Toddler Stations

You may be wondering after reading my previous post how we manage to get any school work done with Hurricane Gideon raging around us.  The secret is Learning Centers or Sensory Play Stations geared toward toddlers.  The idea behind learning centers is for the student (or toddler) to move independently from station to station, each designed to “teach, reinforce or extend a specific skill or concept.”  For toddlers, sensory play is the primary means by which these skills are introduced.  Because we are also very firm believers in “self-motivated learning” and wish to produce “independent life-long-learners” we allow our toddler to create his own sensory learning centers.  I followed him around with a camera one day in order to document his “education.”  Here are just a few of his favorite stations:

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Chances are if you have a toddler in the house you have many of the same learning centers already in place, maybe even a few that Gideon hasn’t thought of!  If so please share them!

18 thoughts on “Toddler Stations

  1. This is hilariously true – – I ‘sense’ you are learning too . . . can’t wait to share those learning centers with Gideon . . . (I think) . . . oh yea . . . the brothers can have a ‘learning-clean-up center(S)’!!!!


  2. I love it! Such a positive way to look at it. My baby is now 4 years old but just today he was bringing all his toys into our home office to ‘sell’ them to me with his paper money. ‘money managing station’ 😉


  3. Justin’s favorite was the “empty the bookshelf” station. He also thoroughly enjoyed the “paint the room with Desitin” station.


  4. That’s kind of what my toddler stations looked like. Haha! I always felt a little guilty about not doing formal preschool with the little ones, but somehow they all seemed to know their alphabet and sounds by the time we started. Must have been all the self-guided “stations.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Awwww… how adorable! (when it’s not at your house, right?) Mine seem to make messes extremely quickly, as well, and they are not toddlers! 😦 I guess with much learning and ‘productivity’ comes mess! 😉 Those look like important fine and gross motor skills little G is mastering!
    By the way… sorry I missed this post earlier in the week. 😦 Monday, I had a dr appt, a wreck, and a child with the tummy bug! I’m just now catching up with life again! (no one hurt in wreck) Bye!


    • Yikes! No wonder there was no post to make my Monday merry! I sure am glad to hear you are all okay. Praise the Lord no one was hurt! As for Gideon’s skill mastery, I’m pretty sure all boys are born with a talent for the “gross” ones in particular 🙂


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