Who This Is

Hmmmm…full manger….Maybe such rustic terminology doesn’t exactly suit the resort-condo lifestyle we enjoy here on the Big Island of Hawaii.  But really no matter where you house five active little boys…it’s going to feel like living in a barn.  Or a zoo full of barn animals.  At least I’m sure that’s what it sounds like to the neighbors down stairs…bless their long-suffering souls.  So when I was searching for memory verses to go along with our study of zoology this year and stumbled across this gem in Proverbs 14, it hit me like a bail of hay.  “Where there are no oxen the manger is clean, but abundant crops come from the strength of the ox.”  Just think about it, Mamas, “Where there are no [children] the house is clean [and quiet], but ABUNDANT [living] comes by the strength of the [family].”  The mere presence of the noisy mess around me is a daily reminder of how rich I actually am.  As hard as I try, my manger is never quite clean, but praise the Lord, I am learning to delight in the fullness of it, to be thankful for the abundant life that is a condo full of boys…or a zoo full of barn animals…or a barn full of zoo animals.  Whatever.  This is my life.  My full, loud, messy manger.  And because I love it, I’m sharing it with you.
full manger

11 thoughts on “Who This Is

  1. So glad to see you back! Glen and I both enjoy reading your posts, appreciating your insight to God’s Word and your parenting skills. May God richly bless you and your family!


  2. WOO HOO!! What an amazing surprise! I’m super excited to read this! And oh yes, the verse so true and comforting! I love the masks! I just ordered safari hats for my crew to help us get started. We are still soaking up every minute of beach time that we can! I’ll be in touch soon. So happy, my friend!!! :). Yay!


    • Oh yes. That verse has completely revolutionized my housekeeping routine. Now I just step right over the piles of laundry and say, “Oh, well. Full manger.” It really is the perfect excuse for just letting it all go. 🙂


  3. This blessed me Julie! Having three boys and a girl, my ” manger” can feel like a barn too,,,even the girl can become very loud and messy at times :). Your perspective is good…we are rich and blessed to have these ” arrows in our quiver” (psalm 127:4). I know your children will rise up and call you blessed as they grow and see how God has used you in their lives to draw them to Himself. Have a great school year. Miss you all!


    • Oh Kelly! So good to hear from you! Mine and Tom’s parents are both in the middle of planning a trip to Canada together and we are all so jealous! The boys are just dying to visit you all up there some time. I finally got that “lost” packet of letters mailed off so it should reach you any day. Aloha!


  4. Pingback: Time Deprived | Stories of Our Boys

    • Eeek! My long-lost blogging buddy! So great to hear from you! I thank the Lord for the encouragement you were for me during those years we spent in Hawaii. It would be so awesome to get to meet up again sometime. Thanks for keeping in touch!


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